Main Event ERN UA -2022- Workshop “Chemistry of daily life: workshop for big little ones”

The objective of this workshop is to carry out simple experiments that will show different chemical phenomena such as electricity, acid-base character, densities of various liquids and generation of gases.

General event, Schedule, Workshop

The objective of this workshop is to carry out simple experiments that will show different chemical phenomena such as electricity, acid-base character, densities of various liquids and generation of gases. The experiments can be done by both children and adults.

  • “And lemons made light”. Construction of a homemade battery with lemons.
  • “Science Detectives”. Making and revealing invisible ink. Acid-base concept.
  • Colourful lava lamp”. Building a home-made lava lamp. Density of liquids.
  • Inflating balloons without blowing”. Generation of CO2 using sodium bicarbonate and vinagre. Chemical reactions.

Coordination: Alicia Gomis Berenguer, University Institute of Electrochemisty, University of Alicante

Date and time: 30/09/2022 18:00-22:00

Location: University of Alicante – Campus San Vicente del Raspeig
