This workshop will introduce participants to the world of flavours and the organoleptic assessment of food. They will learn to determine what they like or dislike about the food they eat through sensory analysis.
Main Event ERN UA -2022- Workshop: “Educating taste or the importance of eating with all five senses”
This workshop will introduce participants to the world of flavours and the organoleptic assessment of food. They will learn to determine what they like or dislike about the food they eat through sensory analysis.
Participants will be asked to name their three favourite and least favourite foods or dishes and explain why they like or dislike them, discussing why it is useful to educate taste. After the introduction participants will carry out practical exercises, always with their eyes covered, to discover textures, flavours and aromas (smells), and know the difference between savouring food using their sense of taste and mouthfeel (covering their nose) and doing so using smell, taste and mouthfeel (without covering their nose).
Coordinated by: Josep Bernabeu Mestre and Maria Tormo Santamaria, Carmencita Research Chair in Culinary Taste Studies, University of Alicante. Lecturers/researchers from the Department of Community Nursing, Preventive Medicine and Public Health, University of Alicante
Date and time: 30/09/2022 6-10 p.m.
Place: University of Alicante – San Vicente del Raspeig Campus
Organised by: University of Alicante