Main Event ERN 2022 -UJI-Workshop-“The European Corner”

Thanks to specialists in the European Union, we offer you an information space on European action, particularly in the field of research.

Schedule, Workshop

Thanks to specialists in the European Union, we offer you an information space on European action, particularly in the field of research.

Through the European Corner you will have information on projects developed by researchers in our environment.

In addition, in a round table, you will learn about the experience of young people committed to the construction of a European society based on knowledge.

All this, with the main participation of Europe Direct Castelló (the official information centre of the European Commission hosted by the Castelló County Council).

Organising body: Universitat Jaume I

Date and time: Friday, 30 September 2022, from 17 h to 20 h.

Location: Agora de la Universitat Jaume I
