Main Event ERN 2022 -UM-Workshop-“Gender and equality tools for society”

Gender and equality tools for society. Workshops.

Schedule, Workshop


Interactive children’s games:

1st Game of roulette: A full alphabet roulette wheel will be installed for participants to interact with legal concepts on gender and equality.

2º. Word soup: A giant alphabet soup will be installed with legal concepts on gender and equality related to SDG 5-8-10. Successful participants will be rewarded with corporate material on gender and equality.

Poster Exhibition Wage gap and retributive audit poster:

Poster on the pension gap

Poster on the negotiation of equality plan in companies

Poster on contents of the equality plan

Poster on the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the equality plan

Presentation of the Guide Book. Dissemination of the guide prepared by the GT-IDEAS Transfer Group.It is a guide with very short questions/answers that facilitate the understanding of RD 901/2020 and 902/2020.

Coordination: Francisco Miguel Ortiz González-Conde and María Monserrate Rodríguez Egío, Department of Labor Law and Social Security, University of Murcia.

Day and time: September 30, 18-22 hours.

Location: Patio del Campus de la Merced, University of Murcia.
