Main Event ERN 2022 -UM-Workshop-“Play Economics/Economy and Health”

Play Economics/Economy and Health Workshops.

Schedule, Workshop


Experiment with the Economy Small group attendees will face different economic dilemmas:

–  Regarding Cooperation: The Prisoner’s Dilemma

–  Ethics: The Dilemma of Corruption

–  Regarding Information: The Problem of Principal Agent

Participants interact by activating their profile with a QR code

Play with the Economy. A series of strategic competitive games will be held by groups and individuals with the Classex platform.

There will be two contests:

–  Test to evaluate knowledge of economics.  “How much do you know about economics?”

–  Beauty contest, bet on a number and win who comes close to 60% of the average of the numbers that everyone has bet.

Economy and Health

– Concept and measurement of Health-related Quality of Life through the Visual Analog Scale.

–  Quality Adjusted Year of Life (QALY) concept and calculation of the number of QALY equivalents according to your health status today.

–  Quality Adjusted Life Expectancy (EVAC) Concept and Calculation

–  Concept and calculation of the monetary value of health.

Coordination: Francisco Candel Sánchez, Department of Fundamentals of Economic Analysis, University of Murcia.

Day and time: September 30, 18-22 hours.

Location: Patio del Campus de la Merced, University of Murcia.
