Taller sobre economía circular en la Universidad de Alicante

Main event ERN 2023 -UA-Workshop-“Explore the circular economy”

An activity to raise awareness about the importance of preserving beaches and using biodegradable polymers. The circular economy is explored through research studies conducted by the NANOBIOPOL group.

Schedule, Workshop

An activity to raise awareness about the importance of preserving beaches and using biodegradable polymers. The circular economy is explored through research studies conducted by the NANOBIOPOL group. By means of interactive games and fun chemistry experiments, participants learn about the impact of plastics on the environment, how plastics decompose and why it is necessary to valorise agrifood waste and its applications. Visitors compete in a treasure hunt to find and classify waste materials in the sand of the beach. Using spades and rakes, they discover that they have to clean up and preserve their environment. As a reward, they receive a box with seeds for them to plant a small tree and help the environment. Moreover, they conduct an experiment to observe bioplastic degradation and complete a Kahoot quiz in teams.

Coordinated by: María del Carmen Garrigós Selva, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Food Science

Date and Time:

Friday 29 September 2023

11 a.m.-2 p.m. for secondary education and vocational education centres

5.30 p.m.-midnight for the general public

Place: University of Alicante – San Vicente del Raspeig Campus – Sundial, Hangar, Control Tower and nearby areas.
