Taller Metalmanía en la Universidad de Alicante

Main event ERN 2023 -UA-Workshop-“Metalmania in action”

Participants in these activities have the opportunity to learn about the physical and chemical properties of metals through practical experience.

Schedule, Workshop

Participants in these activities have the opportunity to learn about the physical and chemical properties of metals through practical experience. Experiments with a number of widely used and lesser-known metals are conducted to discover how, thanks to their unique characteristics, these materials play a key role in everyday life and several industries. Specifically, with regard to physical properties, participants can learn more about and understand the most relevant consequences of the density and melting points of several metals, as well as their ability to be moulded. As for chemical properties, a major characteristic of metals – susceptibility to corrosion, which often limits their usability for multiple applications – is explored. Attendees are encouraged to take active part in this workshop.

Coordinated by: José Miguel Molina Jordá, Department of Inorganic Chemistry

Date and Time:

Friday 29 September 2023

11 a.m.-2 p.m. for secondary education and vocational education centres

5.30 p.m.-midnight for the general public

Place: University of Alicante – San Vicente del Raspeig Campus – Sundial, Hangar, Control Tower and nearby areas.
