Optics workshop: from augmented reality to optical communications.
Main event ERN 2023 -UA-Workshop-“Optics workshop: from augmented reality to optical communications”
A workshop consisting of four different activities: an experiment to observe how simple optical systems made up of two lenses (telescopes, cameras, human eye, etc.) work; another to see how light can be polarised and why this is useful in 3D imaging; a third activity to explain the basics of augmented reality and holography; and finally an experiment to measure the width of a hair using light diffraction, proving that light is a wave.
Coordinated by: Francisco Javier Martínez Guardiola, University Institute for Physics Applied to Science and Technology
Date and Time:
Friday 29 September 2023
11 a.m.-2 p.m. for secondary education and vocational education centres
5.30-8.30 p.m. for the general public
Place: University of Alicante – San Vicente del Raspeig Campus – Sundial, Hangar, Control Tower and nearby areas.