Taller sobre cargas inducidas positivas (+) y negativas (-) en materiales conductores en la cargas inducidas positivas (+) y negativas (-) en materiales conductores

Main event ERN 2023 -UA-Workshop-“(+) or (-) bipolar”

The title “+ or – bipolar” refers to positive (+) and negative (-) charges induced in conductor materials by using an external source that generates an electric field in an aqueous solution.

Schedule, Workshop

The title “+ or – bipolar” refers to positive (+) and negative (-) charges induced in conductor materials by using an external source that generates an electric field in an aqueous solution. Simple experiments are conducted for participants to understand the concept of bipolar electrochemistry. For instance, a LED immersed in water is switched on without an electrical connection, movement is generated by means of chemical reactions, and colour changes are observed to learn what it means to induce a positive charge (+) and a negative charge (-) in the same material.

Coordinated by: Daniel Alonso Gamero Quijano, Department of Physical Chemistry

Date and Time:

Friday 29 September 2023

11 a.m.-2 p.m. for secondary education and vocational education centres

5.30 p.m.-midnight for the general public

Place: University of Alicante – San Vicente del Raspeig Campus – Sundial, Hangar, Control Tower and nearby areas.
