Main Event ERN 2023 -UMU-Workshop-“Seminal Extracellular Vesicles: How Something So Small Can Be So Important”

In this activity will be two teams of three participants each and each team will be given the same number of seminal extracellular vesicles (represented as small balls of different color coated with adhesive velcro).

Schedule, Workshop

The planned activities are as follows:

  • Interaction of sperm with seminal extracellular vesicles

In this activity will be two teams of three participants each and each team will be given the same number of seminal extracellular vesicles (represented as small balls of different color coated with adhesive velcro). In turn, we will have two large sperm made with feather cardboard, identifying its different parts and covered with velcro. There will be a poster explaining each part of the sperm. At the beginning of the activity, a small explanation will be given about the sperm, its functional role and that of the seminal extracellular vesicles. Each team will throw the seminal extracellular vesicles to their respective spermatozoa to see which team manages to stick more and will be scored based on where each of the sperm have stuck. Once the activity is finished, the number of points of each team will be counted to see the winner.

  • What do seminal extracellular vesicles contain?

Through this activity, a seminal extracellular vesicle will be distributed to each of the participants. These vesicles will be represented as transparent plastic balls with a different content inside. This content will be gummies of different types, each of them will represent a different biomolecule (proteins, lipids and nucleic acids). There will be a poster explaining the biomolecules contained in the extracellular vesicles and their function. They will be given a small explanation so they can understand what the extracellular vesicles are, their content and what their function is. Each participant will be asked to open their extracellular gallbladder and see the contents, and will be asked to identify each of the biomolecules.

  • Through this activity videos of moving sperm of different animal species will be projected on a monitor. There will be a poster showing sperm of different animal species and their peculiarities. Participants will be asked which animal species the sperm belong to in each video and whether they are able to move all the same. There will be tabs with percentages (from 0% to 100%) and you will be asked to choose the tab that best reflects the percentage of sperm moving in each of the videos.

Coordination: Jordi Roca Aleu, Department of Animal Medicine and Surgery, University of Murcia

Day and time: 29 September, 18-22 hours.

Location: Patio del Campus de la Merced, University of Murcia.Visualization of sperm of different species
