Interactive activity on deep fake and fake news (hybrid activity, performed in the presence of attendees with electronic device support)
Main Event ERN 2023 -UMU-Workshop-“Don’t touch my data”
The planned activities are as follows:
- Don’t believe everything you see
Interactive activity on deep fake and fake news (hybrid activity, performed in the presence of attendees with electronic device support)
- Keep an eye on your data
Interactive activity aimed at informing and raising awareness about the danger of sharing data in an irresponsible way, especially on social networks.
Includes demo with ChatGPT (hybrid activity, performed in the presence of attendees with electronic device support)
- Data Protectors Contest
Competition to assess the level of knowledge acquired and, fundamentally, the ability of contestants to protect their own personal data
- Data Wooclap: health and tax data
Questionnaires specifically designed to inform citizens of different age groups about health and tax data held by the Administration. Lawful use of the same (hybrid activity, performed in the presence of attendees with support of electronic devices)
Coordination: Julián Valero Torrijos and Magnolia Pardo López, Department of Administrative Law, University of Murcia.
Day and time: 29 September, 18-22 hours.
Location: Patio del Campus de la Merced, University of Murcia.