UMH-Workshop-“Afternoon of fun science”

Professor Van der Graf and her assistant decide to travel to space to enjoy a pleasant vacation on another planet. On their crazy journey, they will encounter many complications that they will face thanks to their unlimited scientific knowledge. Will you help them make an iodine watch,

Schedule, Workshop


17:30 Healthy snack
18:30 Scientific theater

Professor Van der Graf and her assistant decide to travel to space to enjoy a pleasant vacation on another planet. On their crazy journey, they will encounter many complications that they will face thanks to their unlimited scientific knowledge. Will you help them make an iodine watch, smoke rings and giant bubbles?
We invite you to an afternoon of scientific theater with the company ‘Fun Science’ to see, feel, touch and experience. With healthy snack!
Activity for all audiences. Especially recommended for children, from 5 to 12 years.
On 30 September at 17:30h in the Aula UMH Plaça de Baix, Elche.
Free admission limited to capacity. (Get a ticket for all attendees, adding children/as and adults).

Location: Headquarters UMH Plaça de Baix
Time: 17.30-19.30
