Determinants of lifestyle and public health: physical activity, diet and anthropometric characteristics. Workshops.
Main Event ERN 2022 -UM-Workshop-“Determinants of lifestyle and public health: physical activity, diet and anthropometric characteristics”
How much energy do you spend?
Interested people can learn to estimate their daily energy expenditure, and see if it is healthy. They will be able to see if their lifestyle is more or less active than that of the rest of Europe, and what consequences it has for their health.
You are what you eat: how your diet determines your life expectancy. Interested people can learn to estimate the quality of their usual food intake. They will be able to know the relationship between diet and public health, and to what extent food is associated with public health problems and how it determines life expectancy today.
Social determinants of health. Interested persons can learn and assess how social aspects related to their own education or employment situation affect their life expectancy.
Workshop on anthropometry and health. Interested people can learn about and evaluate their anthropometric characteristics, and how they are associated with health.
Coordination: Ernesto de la Cruz Sánchez, Department of Physical Activity and Sport, University of Murcia.
Day and time: September 30, 18-22 hours.
Location: Patio del Campus de la Merced, University of Murcia.