Main Event ERN 2022 -UM-Workshop-“UMUrLing: Linguistic route through the city of Murcia”

This activity will show the linguistic path created by the Knowledge Transfer Group (GTC) MurLiNG in collaboration with the UCC+i of the UM.

Schedule, Workshop

In person:

This activity will show the linguistic path created by the Knowledge Transfer Group (GTC) MurLiNG in collaboration with the UCC+i of the UM.

It is a route that combines culture, science and tourism to offer an attractive and different experience through the streets of the city to its inhabitants and visitors. The tour reveals, for example, that the lexical heritage of Murciano is linked to its history, illustrious characters, gastronomy, culture, architecture, economy, other languages and, of course, water and climate. The union of all these elements has helped the Murcian to have his specific personality today.

GTC members will perform a mini-tour through the streets near the Merced Campus so that the public can live the experience of discovering from a scientific perspectivelinguistically the philological and lexical heritage that the city shows and hides in its linguistic landscape, for example, the Murcian vocabulary, century-old graffiti or the toponymy of its streets, which are only a small sample of the linguistic heritage of the Region of Murcia.


Anyone can access the website of the Murciencia Project on which is the UMUrLing XXXXX linguistic route a virtual space in which the visitor will find diverse information, what points the route has, what content includes each point, where they are located, what philological curiosities and stereotypes about the murciano can be dismantled scientifically and linguistically, a mini autotest, etc.

 Coordination: Herminia Provencio Garrigós, Department of Spanish Language and General Linguistics, University of Murcia.

 Day and time: September 30, 18-22 hours.

Location: Patio del Campus de la Merced, University of Murcia.
