Main Event ERN 2023 -UMU-Workshop-“ARHIS Group. Archaeology and research”

Exhibition of some of the excavations currently being carried out by the research group and their main results.

Schedule, Workshop

The activities organized are as follows:

  • Reconstructing History through Archaeology

Exhibition of some of the excavations currently being carried out by the research group and their main results. It will expose the methodology used in an archaeological excavation for all types of visitors, providing the child viewer with an educational activity in which they find and record their own findings.

Material: Posters, screen reproduction, sandbox and ceramic and bone reproductions.

  • Finds during an archaeological excavation

With this activity you will be able to know the usual objects that are recovered during an archaeological intervention, as well as know their importance and relevance when dating a stratigraphic unit or an archaeological context.

Materials: Sandbox, reproductions of different objects from Roman times, brushes and brushes of small size.

  • Of life and death

Another of the activities that will be carried out will be intended for visitors to know the funeral rites in the Roman world and in the Islamic world from the evidence in the archaeological record. They will discover these practices from the different findings and learn about the differences between both funerary rituals.

Materials: Signage. Sandbag, plastic skeleton.

  • The world of musivaria

Activity to teach the process of making a mosaic. In addition, it will have an educational workshop reserved for the youngest in which they can make their own mosaic.

Materials: Photocopies of mosaics size A4. Carpenter glue jars. Tiles of different colors.

  • Recreate the scene: The deconstructed medieval vignette!

This activity, which takes place within the framework of the European Researchers’ Night event, is aimed at children so that they can participate in the different activities to be held at the booth. For this children’s audience the activity will be solved around a resolution of several puzzles created from cartoons extracted from different comic titles of the historical genre. This action will contribute to the development of competences such as logical thinking, fine motor skills and patience and frustration management while offering itself as an activity for the whole family.

Materials: Paper, plasticizing and scissors to cut the scenes.

Coordination: Javier Gómez Marín, Department of Prehistory, Archaeology, Ancient History, Medieval History and Historiographic Sciences and Techniques, University of Murcia.

Day and time: 29 September, 18-22 hours.

Location: Patio del Campus de la Merced, University of Murcia.
