Immunology workshops: the warriors who protect us

Main Event ERN 2023 -UMU-Workshop-“Immunology workshops: the warriors who protect us”
The workshops that have been organized for all ages are the following:
- Know your warriors
We will discover who are the protagonists of the defense of our body, where they occur and their strategies of surveillance and attack.
We will be able to emulate stem cells by “manufacturing” immune system cells, and experience the process of “cell movement” “phagocytosis” and “antigen presentation”.
We’ll have a 3D model so we can see it and manipulate it.
Through interactive animation programs and a video game, we will discover who each of these warriors are, which “enemies” they have specialized against and which have memory. You can control your immune system cells, defend your body from microbes, and learn science. ¡ Become a master of Immunology!
The little ones will be able to color and decorate tiles with the warriors that they liked the most
- Why are you perfect for others?
In this workshop we will discover with card games, animations and interactive computer games, how our immune system recognizes us how unique and how we can “convince” to prevent their attack and achieve success in blood transfusions and organ and tissue transplants between people
- Science in motion: Immunology research. Advances in Immunotherapy
We will know the importance of research and the different stages of development necessary to discover what is still unknown, and makes it possible to advance in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of some diseases.
We will present the lines of research of our group in which macrophages and inflammation are the protagonists.
We will be able to observe through a microscope some cells of the immune system in culture, as well as tumor cells and microscopic preparations of some of the infectious agents that cause diseases in man.
We will be able to see animations on advances of immunotherapy in cancer and vaccine development
Coordination: María C. Martínez-Esparza Alvargonzález, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology “B” and Immunology, University of Murcia.
Day and time: 29 September, 18-22 hours.
Location: Patio del Campus de la Merced, University of Murcia.