Main Event ERN 2023 -UMU-Workshop-“Sustainability goes to school”

Activities to work the socio-environmental problems of the Mar Menor in Primary Education

Schedule, Workshop

The activities organized are as follows:

• Activities to work the socio-environmental problems of the Mar Menor in Primary Education
It is a question of approaching with the public of Early and Primary Education or interested persons (future teachers, active teachers or general public) a series of activities related to the socio-environmental problems of the Mar Menor. These activities are aimed at facilitating participants to recognize the causes and consequences of this socio-environmental problem, using models and aquariums that allow them to recognize what has happened and what consequences it has for marine biodiversity, while reflecting their learning in some worksheets (mainly through drawings).
In addition, as these activities have already been put into practice, we will decorate the stand with works collected from children of Early and Primary Education, as well as with posters with the main results of related research
• Activities to work responsibilities and commitments in relation to problems associated with consumption and waste generation in secondary education
Likewise, and aimed at a slightly larger audience (secondary education students, future teachers, active teachers or general public)is intended to show how responsibilities and commitments can be worked in relation to problems associated with our consumption model and waste generation, through two activities. In one of them, the biodegradation of different types of materials is experienced in water (paper of different nature, wipes) and we are invited to reflect on our daily decisions based on the conclusions of the experiment. In the other activity, on the problem of excessive generation of waste and their export, participants are encouraged to reflect on our responsibility in this problem, through participatory dynamics participatory (registering their ideas through the elaboration of collaborative murals with post-it).
As in the previous case, it will have the visual support of a poster that includes the main results of related research.

Coordination: Isabel Baños González, Department of Didactics of Experimental Sciences, University of Murcia.
Day and time: 29 September, 18-22 hours.
Location: Patio del Campus de la Merced, University of Murcia.
