Main Event ERN 2023 -UMU-Workshop-“Sustainable veterirnaria. From farm to table”

This activity will consist of the following workshops, aimed at the general public: SUSTAINABILITY IN ANIMAL FEED, PASSAGE OF FOODBORNE DISEASES and ALITRIVIAL DO WE KNOW WHAT WE EAT?.

Schedule, Workshop

This activity will consist of the following workshops, aimed at the general public:

The exhibition of images will show the ways to achieve more sustainable feeding programs to those currently used. Several sets will be made on classification of raw materials used in animal diets, one will be classified according to their environmental impact and another will guess the raw materials present in a feed with the use of a magnifying glass, different animal silhouettes will be assigned according to their feeding in the corresponding category.
Do you know parasites?
This workshop consists of the preparation of several microscopes and magnifiers so that those attending the day can appreciate the morphology of these parasites, in addition to those that can be seen with macroscopic clarity. Images of the anatomy of animals and people, on the one hand, and of the main parasites on the other, so that attendees can follow the clues provided and locate where each of them are located and how they are expelled abroad to learn measures of these parasites.
In this activity we will conduct a quiz contest with letters of the alphabet (using a circle-rosco), small groups of attendees, on bacteria or parasites that can be transmitted by food, and the importance of hygiene for prevention
Activity with multiple answer questions to know the properties of food, and how to follow a healthy diet. We have trivial type board
• KIDMED Questionnaire

Simple questionnaire that will be delivered to the little ones to answer simple questions about the frequency of food consumption, in order to analyze if they are following a proper eating pattern type “Mediterranean Diet”.

Coordination: Silvia Martínez Miró, Animal Production Department and Mª Rocío Ruiz de Ybáñez Carnero, Department of Animal Health, University of Murcia

Day and time: 29 September, 18-22 hours.

Location: Patio del Campus de la Merced, University of Murcia.
