What do you know about the Degree in Geographic Science and Technology? Geography in the 21st century
Main Event ERN 2023 -UMU-Workshop-“What do you know about the Degree in Geographic Science and Technology?”
The activities organized are as follows:
- What do you know about the Degree in Geographic Science and Technology? Geography in the 21st century
– Virtual visit to field trips: Augmented reality (AR) videos related to Geography, mainly videos already made in 360º format of excursions made with students of the Degree. It is an activity that tries to show interactively what geography is through field trips
– Interaction with the AR-SandBox sandbox (mounted by the Geography Department itself). It is a box that tries to show through augmented reality the behavior of various aspects related to geography, such as the behavior of a river when modifying the topography, being the user who modifies it.
– Practices in the Geomorphology laboratory: Taking advantage of the activities to be carried out in the Campus of La Merced, we have thought of showing in a practical way, through some simple practice of those carried out in the Degree, some of the aspects related to erosion.
– In the same way, we would like to distribute in the stand brochures and other merchandising items, such as badges or t-shirts.
– Exhibition of posters displayed at the stand, with some works presented at Congresses by FPU fellows and other participating researchers
Coordination: Francisco José Gomáriz Castillo, Department of Geography, University of Murcia.
Day and time: 29 September, 18-22 hours.
Location: Patio del Campus de la Merced, University of Murcia.