Main Event ERN UA -2022- Workshop “From theory to practice: research, conservation and science dissemination at the Torretes Biological Station – UA Botanical Garden”

Attendees will be introduced to the research, conservation, maintenance and science dissemination work undertaken at the Torretes Biological Station – UA Botanical Garden throughout the year.

General event, Schedule, Workshop

Attendees will be introduced to the research, conservation, maintenance and science dissemination work undertaken at the Torretes Biological Station – UA Botanical Garden throughout the year.

The activity will consist of four 40-minute workshops:

Workshop 1: Growing plants. Place: greenhouses, delivered by Roberto Poyatos Álvarez.

Workshop 2: Eating awareness. Place: Culinary Herbs Building and Physic Garden, delivered by Segundo Ríos Ruiz.

Workshop 3: Discovering the world of insects. Place: Mas de Torretes flower reserve, delivered by Cinta Quirce Vázquez.

Taller 4: Extracts and aromas, the products of plants. Place: laboratory, delivered by Vanessa Martínez-Francés.

Coordinated by: Segundo Ríos Ruiz, CIBIO (Ibero-American Centre for Biodiversity Research), University of Alicante.

Date and time: 30/09/2022 8 a.m.-3 p.m. (FULL ACTIVITY)

Place: Torretes Biological Station-UA Botanical Garden, Ibi

