Main event ERN 2023

The University of Murcia (UM) will hold numerous workshops with the Mediterranean science as the  protagonist all around the streets of Murcia and its main venue,

General event, Schedule

The University of Murcia (UM) will hold numerous workshops with the Mediterranean science as the protagonist all around the streets of Murcia and its main venue,

El Campus de la Merced in Murcia downtown. The main goals of all these activities are to value the work of women researchers who have been made invisible throughout history, as well as to make science reachable and tangible for those people who do not usually have access to it and specifically to young students. With this objective, one of the actions will feature the winners of the successful MasterChem contest, aimed at students between 6 and 18 years old. In addition, and in a transversal way, we will dedicate workshops to show the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

To do this, we will organize various actions in collaboration with ODSesiones, an initiative of the UM framed in a project to promote the SDG to end poverty, protect the planet and guarantee that all people enjoy peace and prosperity to 2030. For our part, although the 17 SDGs are integrated, we will place special emphasis on those who promote the approach of science to all citizens, especially those who have the most difficulties in accessing it. That is why the objectives 1. End of poverty, 3. Health and well-being, 4. Quality education, 5 Gender equality and 10. Reduction of inequalities will be priority and transversal in our actions.

There will be various science shows, experiments, short quotes with scientists, interactive games, trivial pursuit games, competitions, exhibitions, expositions, and scientific gyimkhanas, workshops, competitions, guided tours, etc. which will show the knowledge generated in the Mediterranean always related to women, young students and the ODS. Specifically, it will be possible to share knowledge connected to climate change and how it affects the Mediterranean area or to social researchs. It should be noted that the event will include a full program that will cover all the disciplines of knowledge related to Mediterranean Science in which the UM works such as archeology, food science, agrarian science, economics, ancient and modern languages, biology, geology, energy, medicine, nursing, nutrition, etc.
